Bending Beauty

Standards of beauty are continuously changing and have been since the beginning of time. By definition, Beauty is “the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.” Beauty is subjective and varies based on the individual, background, context, location, society, community etc.

Beauty is complex and applicable to a wide variety of topics. Historically, it is overwhelmingly apparent that women have been at the center of the conversation and defining moments of what beauty is and is not. Google the word “beauty,” and you will be welcomed by definitions that contain a series of examples about women or a never ending list of beauty products from white eyeliner to the new exfoliant face wash that with just one click will present you an army of beauty products promised to give you everything you need to be beautiful.

According to Common Thread Co., the global beauty industry is worth $511 billion and can thank the rise of social media, influencers and brand ambassadors for its recent growth. The global beauty industry is predicted to reach or surpass $716.6 billion by 2025. What are the factors that contribute to the growth of the beauty industry . . . is it more than one’s desire for a new lip gloss or cologne?

A group of colleagues and I were recently having a debate about beauty and how our perception of beauty affects every aspect of our lives. From what we decide to wear to how we do our make-up and the presence we embody when we feel beautiful compared to when we don’t. A study involving 2,263 Americans and their experiences using beauty filters on social media platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram, found that 59% believe beauty filters to be troubling while 39% believe them to be harmless. What are your thoughts? How do you control the narrative of beauty in your life and relationships with others?

Any time we can reference Rupi Kaur . . . you know we will! In the poem above she engages with idea of beauty and women, how beauty is multidimensional, something more than, “pretty.” Beauty is intelligent, brave, resilient, extraordinary. As we lead and prepare the women that will soon lead beside us and after us, how we conceptualize beauty and project this in those relationships will greatly impact the world we are constantly recreating for ourselves and others.

This blog has no conclusion, only “food for thought,” designed to be something you can send to your colleagues, contemplate alone or use a turning point to reconstruct our conception of beauty. Beauty is more than the make-up isle or a social media filter, it is the way you fearlessly show up every day and courageously work to build a better world. Let’s bend beauty and, together, dismantle the boxes that have been built in the past to contain us.



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